Tis the season for beginning recorders in 3rd grade at my school...squeaks to send home for parents to enjoy all vacation long!
When first introducing recorders, I've always had students struggle to play with their left hands on top. Thus, I am up with my "left-hand-bands."
During the first few weeks of playing recorders, I have students get their recorders and a band. They wear it on their left hand all the time, and it helps them to see if they have the correct hand on top. It also helps me quickly check that they all have their left hand on top.
I found these cute bands at Party City a few years ago, and I now have a tub full to use. The kids get a kick out of wearing them too.
Thanks to a snow day today (my favorite!!) I was able to finish a BAGC' recorder station set. I've had some requests for BAGC' sets and with the Olympics coming up, I thought my kids would love this!
This kit contains four different BAGC' recorder activities for your
students. I use them as part of my Recorder Karate Stations, while I am
testing other students. These activities could also be used for whole
class learning instead of stations, if you prefer to set up the lessons that way.
Included in this super set is:
Winter Olympics Ski Jump: Students set up ski jumps in a pattern for
their partner. After their partner plays and reads the note correctly,
they may jump over the "ski jump" and play the next jump.
Winter Olympics Theme Song Compositions: Students are given the
framework for a simple BAGC' melody. Their job is to use the rhythms
of winter Olympics events to create simple melodies using BAGC'. They
then play and share their compositions.
Olympics Self Reflection: Students fill in each circle of the Olympic
rings with things they think are their strengths or weaknesses to
reflect on improving their playing. Prompts for written response are
provided in each circle.
Olympic Luge Pathway: In this station, students play through the notes
on the "luge" pathway as a group. Then, they write in notes on their
own luge pathway and perform or share it with others in their group.
These are ready to print, attach to file folders, copy papers for kids, and FLY!
I can't wait for the Winter Olympics! Figure skating is my favorite!
I just finished a new set of Christmas Ostinato Cards for your Orff or Kodaly classroom this season. These cards can be used for multiple activities: Performing rhythmic ostinati, performing speech ostinati, performing on instruments, matching speech and rhythm, composing and arranging and more. Suggestions for use are included in the set.
This set includes 14 speech patterns with cute Christmas graphics and 14 corresponding rhythm cards. Simply cut the print outs in half, and laminate separately, or glue back to back and laminate the sides together, with a rhythm on one side, and the corresponding speech on the other.
Half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests are used. My second graders loved doing speech ostinati patterns at Thanksgiving, so I think they will enjoy performing and arranging rhythms in a new way this season. I think we may turn these into drumming ensembles as well. If you can't beat their holiday enthusiasm, why not join them?
Today begins the Facebook Frenzy. Like the great bloggers involved on Facebook to download their awesome freebies. This event can help you stock up on holiday and winter goodies for free.
Check out the maps below to see all the music bloggers, and see the other "non-music" bloggers participating too. Maybe you can share with your classroom teacher friends!
The holiday "who-ha" of chaos as I fondly call it, is my favorite time of year at school. We do some pretty neat things at my school and I'd love to hear how others are able to celebrate the holiday season, if you are permitted to do so! Share your school or classroom holiday traditions on this link up!
When I started at my school, there was already a traditional "holiday-sing." Every year on the last day of school in December, we'd file into the gym and each grade level would sing a song or two, and we'd do some carols together. This was fine and dandy, but I decided I wanted something that would be more conducive to bringing the whole school together on more than one day. Thus, our new holiday celebration has been birthed.
Each year now, for the past five years, I have chosen a famous book made into a movie. (We've done Polar Express, The Grinch, Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf, and this year The Year Without a Santa Claus). We create a whole school theme for the entire month. I provide classroom teachers with cross curricular activities to go along with our theme, and they create some of their own. The PTO has come on board and they decorate the entire school to go with our theme. It always looks incredible.
Then, for the music, I teach each grade level one or two songs from the film or movie. I buy performance tracks and the music ahead of time, of course. I then write a readers theater or play that the faculty acts out based on the movie/book. The students stand and interject their music at the appropriate time, to tie things together, while they remain enthralled throughout the assembly, watching their teachers perform. Some teachers have even been willing to sing solos. Our superintendent and principal even participate!
Both faculty and staff dress in costumes this day as well. We gift prizes for the students who look most like the characters in the book/movie. Almost 100 % of our faculty and staff dress up. We love this day!
Before the performance, I make a funny movie of the characters for the year taking over the school that has multiple faculty members in it. This is always a fun highlight.
Parents come and watch the performance as well. Communities collaborate on costumes and overall, everyone is just psyched. This has been such a huge community builder for our school and is something we pride ourselves on.
I love that the music the students are working on has a theme and works together so well, instead of being randomly pieced together. The music is learned in class, but throughout December, students are taught music from other cultures and traditions as well, as part of their music learning.
Enjoy a few pictures from past years' festivities. I will post about this year's amazement after it is over! I can't wait to hear what you do and get ideas too!
To link up, you will simply need to:
Save the linky party
graphic above onto your computer (by right clicking), then include it
into your post, with a link back to this post.
Blog about your holiday "who-ha" celebrations or traditions. Include pictures with links when possible.
The Music Bloggers are getting in on the facebook frenzy fun this weekend. Starting on Friday, if you like our facebook pages, you will be eligible for some great TPT freebies for music education.
You can start by liking Treble in the Classroom on Facebook now, so that you will be ready to download on Friday. Then, you can link from page to page of the blogger facebook pages, like our pages, and get great freebies!
My freebie is an awesome BA recorder set that I think you'll love!
Can't wait to download great freebies from others this frenzy weekend. Get ready to get in on the fun!
Stock up on all your wishlisted Treble in the Classroom products on Cyber Monday and Tuesday. 20% off in the Treble in the Classroom store, plus additional savings provided by TPT. I know I will be shopping. Hope you do too! Thanks for your support of my TPT site!