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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paint Bag Rhythm Dictation Review

Today, I tried a new way to do rhythm dictation review with my kids and they LOVED it!  I had seen an idea like this one on pinterest for helping kids practice letter writing, so I morphed it into something that would work in the music room.

To prepare for this activity, I took ziplock bags and squeezed in some neon paint that I had.  (I have since learned you can put too much in.  A small amount of paint goes a long way for this activity).  Then, I sealed the bag and put packing tape over the top and seal.  (My secretary laughed at me when I asked for the packing tape and told her what I was doing.  She said there would be paint everywhere.  I invited her up today to see that there was no paint anywhere and the kids were loving it :-) )

Upon entering the room today, each student got a paint bag and a q-tip for writing rhythms.

Paint Bags Ready and Waiting for Students
Then, I had them smooth the paint in their bag out.  I clapped a four beat rhythm pattern and they had to dictate it, using their q-tip on the paint.  I walked around as they worked to assess their dictations informally.  Then, I drew the correct pattern on the board for them to check their work.  After we checked work and discussed the pattern, they cleared their paint pallet and were ready to dictate again.

They loved it and would've spent the entire class period if I had let them.  It was a quick 10 minute way to do some rhythm dictations in a fun way!

Dictating rhythm patterns in paint

A complete rhythm pattern.  After time, the patterns did disappear, but the goal was for students to audiate and dictate what they heard, checking their work and assessing their own progress.  


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