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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Three Billy Goats Gruff in the Music Classroom

I recently finished a new product, after not creating many music products for awhile.  Between being a principal and a mom, life has been busy, but I've really enjoyed thinking creatively about ways to engage students in the music making process so on my last snow day, I explored this lesson I have had in my mind for awhile.

This new set is great for introducing children's literature and characterization in the music classroom.  Students will learn ostinato patterns for each character in the story, from the little goat, to the big goat.  The story is written and can be projected, so that when it is read, students see a graphic representation of the "character" the ostinato represents, signaling the performance of the rhythm pattern.

Ostinato parts can be assigned to individual students, groups of students, or a whole class.  The ostinato patterns can be performed with body percussion or speech, or instruments may be added to represent each character.

Though I have created several other rhythm stories in my TPT store, this story includes half notes, quarter notes, quarter rests, sixteenth notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth/eighth combinations, providing some more advanced rhythm opportunities for students who are prepared to do so.

To conclude the story performance, the rhythm ostinato patterns can be layered and performed together as an ostinato piece.

Enjoy this new activity for cross curricular connections in your music room.  Find it here.  


  1. Creating musical products is an occupation that is not only subject to performers and musicians, but it is a subject to really talented people who have a predisposition to create musical products. The propensity to create music products is real as well as the predisposition to create papers that all professional writers who work for companies like that presents the service that offers cheap essay writing cheap essay writing have, as well as the predisposition who have professional athletes to master the skill of catching, throwing the ball, running and so on.

    1. Seriously, you're going to plug a website that helps students cheat? Unreal.
